Who Wouldn’t Love To Jack Off With Gorgeous Twinks Mael Gauthier And Jason Bacall?

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I'm delivering something a little different for the porn post today, but I know a lot of you are going to love it. Let's be honest, we all love pretty much everything the Bel Ami site produces so enjoying the sight of these two gorgeous boys enjoying some cock play in the sun is going to have a lot of you wanking along with them.

This is the first time we've seen Mael Gauthier here on the blog but he's been in a lot of action at Bel Ami and he's worth checking out. He's the slimmer twink on the right in the first pic.

We saw Jason Bacall back in March and I know he got the attention of a lot of readers. He's just so gorgeous! If you didn't see that sexy post I recommend clicking here.

While both these boys have appeared in some awesome hardcore scenes innocent jack off sessions like this are a nice change of pace and they really let us enjoy just two boys having fun with their dicks, in the sun.

Who wouldn't want to be there rubbing those hard inches with them? :)

Check out some of the pics and click here for the video, you're gonna want to see a lot of the other videos they've both been in!

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3 years ago

I would love to jack off with them. They can also fuck me, both at the same time!

1 year ago

Luv ur big hot dick.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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