Who Wouldn’t Love Some Afternoon Cock Play With Nils Tatum And Bruce Querelle?

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Sure, all the hardcore videos they produce at Bel Ami are awesome and it's easy to see why it's one of the biggest European gay porn sites in the world, but their solos and photo shoots with boys like this just enjoying their cocks in a wank and suck session are equally hot and deserve to be shared.

While you might be down to see stunning young guys like Nils Tatum and Bruce Querelle fucking each other's brains out in bareback action there's something so hot about a session like this one where it's just two guys having fun with their hard cocks in a jerk and suck.

It's primarily a photo shoot but if you know anything about the site they do this a lot, it's mostly just an excuse to get a load of pics while filming a kind of behind-the-scenes video. I enjoy them, mostly because you can tell it's more natural and fun, more relaxed than a scripted or highly edited shoot would be.

These two are definitely enjoying themselves, that's obvious. By the time they're done playing with those long dicks they're splashing messy cum loads out in a mutual jizz delivery that I can imagine has already caused many guys out there to shoot off their own :)

Check out some of the pics but click here for the full video.

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3 years ago

Sexy wana fuck me

James Whitfield
James Whitfield
3 years ago

Looking good guys send me an autograph

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