Who Wants To Wake Up With Oliver Parny?

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Yay! It's Friday, and I really can't wait to finish work today and get my butt down to the nearest pub. It's gorgeous weather out there today and I'm determined to leave my desk before the sun disappears again.

I'm finishing the week with someone pretty damn sexy. His name is Oliver Parny, and although we haven't seen him on the blog before I'm thinking there might be more of him out there to enjoy. Let me know in the comments if you want more of this guy.

I did a little sleuthing around to see what I could gather about this guy, but info is pretty lacking. He's definitely not new to modeling, but it looks like most of his work has been catalog style, in handsome daddy type shoots showing off jackets lol

I'm okay with that, but we definitely need more of that hot bod on display.

He's a fit guy with great definition, but one of the best things about him is those freckles. Photographers sometimes airbrush out little details like that, but I'm glad the guy responsible for these shots didn't.

Oh, the photographer is only known as "John", so I'm guessing maybe he's a friend of Oliver?

Enjoy the shoot, and enjoy your Friday too. I hope the weather is lovely where you are. Now if you don't mind I need to go and get everything else done so I can run down to the pub :)

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6 years ago


W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

What’s with the wedding ring? is this handsome guy gay or straight and where are the full frontals as the full ass views?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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