Who Is This Handsome Hunk With A Thick Dick?

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Happy Friday everyone! I'm having a pretty chilled out day today, not much work coming in in the lead up to Christmas and I ain't complaining. The weather is still crappy though, so spare a thought for me going out there looking for gifts later. I think I'll probably buy five things and then spend the rest of the day in the nearest pub lol

This big handsome hunk is definitely making my Friday a little more special, although I have yet to find any information about him.

I know I recognize him, I'm pretty sure he's a porn star and might have been in some big productions for some of the major studios, but doing a little digging didn't lead to any info.

His pics are out there, but there's no name or links with any of them.

The friend who sent me the pics doesn't know who he is either, and he couldn't remember where he found the shoot. He just thought I might appreciate this big guy and his thick boner. And you know what? I really do :)

If you have a name for him drop a comment below, maybe I can go and find some more of him for another post.

Leave a comment anyway, let me know what you think of him.

Have a fantastic Friday!

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5 years ago

So apparently those photos are yearrrrs old. Now (obv.) he’s older and he has a few tatts. I found his insta @fabinhobelchior

James Houlette
James Houlette
5 years ago

Fabinho Belchior Paiva

5 years ago

this glorious hunk’s name is Fabinho Belchior Paiva

Kees Oldenburg
Kees Oldenburg
5 years ago

Realy Hot model. I like him.

5 years ago

Absolutely delicious and sexy

Max Man
Max Man
1 year ago

An alternate name for your mystery model is Ghaith Qah. Could it be him?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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