Who is this gorgeous guy in velvet underwear?
Normally I would hear the words Velvet and Underwear in the same breath and be a little horrified inside, but on this occasion, I was pleasantly surprised and I don't think it's just because of the handsome hunk wearing them.
Yes, you guys know I'm a bit of an underwear freak, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I have a big collection myself and I add to it often. I might not be ready to go and buy all of this velvety sexiness from L'Homme Invisible just yet, but I am more than happy to enjoy the sight of this gorgeous man wearing it.
I know nothing about him, because once again this is a company who just doesn't seem to understand that we love the guys wearing their clothing as much as the clothing itself (in fact, often more than the clothing lol)
Sadly they haven't worked out that they get more promotion and sharing if we have a clue about the model.
I'm sure someone out there knows who this handsome and buff male model is, and if that someone is you then please leave a comment below and share this news with the rest of us. I would love to see more featuring this guy.
Damn, would you look at those arms, those hairy legs, those shoulders... :)
Have a great New Year's Eve, wherever you are and whatever you're doing. Let's all hope that 2017 is better than the year we're leaving behind.

oops looks like my previous answer didn’t post… his name is Gabriel Turner. …and go!