Who Doesn’t Want To See More Of Sexy Naked Bear Cub Sebastian Calvin?
No doubt you all know that we've enjoyed sexy young Sebastian Calvin several times in the past here at Gay Body Blog, so when one of my buddies emailed me some new photos of him that I hadn't seen before I couldn't wait to share them with you.
I expect to see a lot of comments and thumbs-up votes on this post! :)
As I'm sure I've probably told you before, this sexy show off is a model, musician and singer, and he loves posing for sexy artwork by some really talented people, not just photographers.
In this case he's back in front of the cameras for Ryan Stanford, a guy we've seen lots of amazing work from before. He seems to like everyday guys, hairy men and natural show offs, and it's obviously working for him because I've really enjoyed sharing his shoots with you guys on the blog numerous times.
I love these shots of Sebastian Calvin, they're in keeping with his previous light and airy themes, with lots of white cotton, while being a little more interesting thanks to the use of netting.
Let me know what you guys think in the comments, and feel free to share this post with your followers and friends, you know they'll appreciate it :)
Have a lovely Tuesday!

I don’t care for the filtering. It totally hides those beautiful blue eyes, which are among his sexiest qualities.
He’s very cute, those silly nets are not.
Get rid of the netting!
Hey Ryan, let’s drop the dumb-ass, pussy-gauze effect. Sheeesh!
Hot man, crappy photography!