Who Are These Handsome Hotties For Teamm8?

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Teamm8 is one of those brands always delivering some handsome and fit guys for us to enjoy lusting over in their shoots. Sure, we're supposed to be checking out their gear, but we have to be honest and say that most of the time we really only care about the gorgeous dudes showing off in front of the cameras. That's definitely the case with this new collection of photos featuring some unknown models who I really need some more information on, especially the first guy. Damn, both of them are fine, but the first guy is so handsome and has such a great body, I really want to see more of him. If you know any names then please let me know in the comments. I have no idea what the theme is supposed to be for this one although I guess that's a boat sail in one of the photos. Not sure why that's the only one in the theme. Whatever the theme is I wouldn't mind being there with them. I know I'm not the only one who really needs a good long holiday right now, right? Maybe a cabin in the woods, with no Internet connection. Or just a long weekend on a sunny beach with no news at all reaching me. Anyway, I digress. Let me know what you think, leave a comment and give these handsome boys a thumbs up. Feel free to share this post around out there too, of course :) Have a great Thursday!

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8 years ago

Outstanding….clean and handsome…..(unless you prefer the grotesque)

8 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the first guy? I’ve seen him & I hate when I can’t remember

8 years ago

I prefer his buddy. He’s scruffy and doesn’t have big hair.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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