Where Has Dreamy Lance Syverson Been?

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It's been more than a year since we last saw gorgeous Lance Syverson on the blog, and when his name suddenly popped into my head today and I got out there looking for more of him I was shocked to discover that he seems to have vanished from the business!

What happened? I have no idea. For a few years he was popping up all over the place, and but now he seems to have moved on from modeling and presumably is doing something else. It's a travesty, considering how ridiculously gorgeous the guy is there should be a thousand new shoots to enjoy since the last time we saw him.

This shoot by KJ Heath is apparently a bit of an older one, but it's a good one too and we needed to have it on the blog :)

I guess we should be happy that we've seen him being so damn sexy a few times already, click here to go and check out those posts. You'll want to see the shoot with all that tempting bulge action going on :)

If you know anything about him, like where he's been and what he's been up to that I might have missed, please leave a comment and share. I really hope I'm just having a shitty day and can\t seem to find all the new shoots he should have appeared in.

Have a lovely Sunday guys, hit that thumbs-up button on your way out!

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5 years ago

Loved him the last time…he’s still hot as ever!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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