When You Look As Hot As Marbys Negretti You Almost Have A Duty To Reveal It To The World!

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Happy Thursday all! I hope your day is going well so far. Mine is, and mostly because I opened my emails this morning and found Marbys Negretti staring seductively back at me. How could I not spend a while gazing upon this handsome hunk's naked form?

And of course I had to share him with you all as soon as possible.

He's another gorgeous hottie I'm surprised we haven't seen before here at Gay Body Blog, but I guess that's just a reminder that there are hundreds of thousands of insanely hot men out there just waiting for me to find.

It's a wonder I ever actually get any work done knowing this! lol

I can tell you that this handsome man is from Madrid, and that he's a model and photographer.

I sometimes think you can tell when a model is familiar with what makes a good image, they have more input in the process and they can predict what a shoot or an image is going to look like. I guess it probably makes the process more interesting and perhaps more collaborative.

It's definitely worked in all of these images.

He looks amazing. He has an incredible body, an immense ass, and a great uncut cock!

Enjoy him, let's hope we get to see more of this sexy man naked in the near future.

Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button before you go. And please have a wonderful Thursday!

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2 years ago

the hard work involved to have a body like that is always a thumbs up from moi, the sailor pic with pee hole is a 1st for me, absolutely love it, my new screensaver, ty for post

2 years ago

OH … MY … GOD … !!!

2 years ago

Photo of him sitting man-spread, with legs oiled shining and alive with veins – is impossible to look at very long without boning out. The socks and sneakers really add to the erotic charge. Of course the glimpse he gives us of the inch of cock and dark bush is the highlight. That flexed calf muscle looks like a rounded bicep. Legs have always been my downfall, and his are super!

2 years ago

I thougt first that was humoristic postage , but the butt …

2 years ago

He is featured in a couple of OnlyFans videos out there with Thiago Lazzarato and others. He’s very versatile, evidently.

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