What Would You Do With Handsome And Hairy Hunk Taylor Phillips?

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That's a genuine question, I would love to read your comments and find out how you would like to spend an evening with this ridiculously handsome man. I know I sound like maybe I'm about to auction off a date with him for charity or something, but rest assured that if such a thing were happening I would have already paid it and be planning the event lol You can be as romantic as you like about how you would spend an evening with this guy, but something tells me it would be more likely to require a XXX rating. It's understandable, the guy is so insanely hot I find it hard (really, I do) to imagine anyone out there could have any clean thoughts when they see this guy in his underwear. Photographer Fritz Yap is the one responsible for these sexy photos. We know his style already, he has a great eye for handsome and fit guys and some of the previous shoots by him have gained a lot of attention on the blog in the past. There's another shoot with the guy out there, being a little sexier and teasing with some interesting poses, so I'll have to go and see if we can get some more pics of the guy for another post later in the week. By all means let me know in the comments if you think one post is enough, though... Nah, didn't think so :) Handsome male model Taylor Phillips Taylor Phillips by Fritz Yap Male model Taylor Phillips in white underwear Muscle hairy man in underwear Male model Taylor Phillips showing off his bulge Handsome and hairy male model Taylor Phillips Sexy male model Taylor Phillips by photographer Fritz Yap

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Jay Denton
Jay Denton
7 years ago


7 years ago

Love the fuzz…

5 years ago

He’s very handsome and the kind of guy I’d like to date.

all human
all human
5 years ago

Taylor has his man Jeff, check their UT. Marriage is planned !!

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