What Is It That Makes Bernardo Babo So Damn Sexy?

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I'm actually trying to work out right now what it is about Bernardo Babo that does it for me, but I think this might be one of those times where it's everything about the guy all rolled up into one.

I'm probably not alone in saying that he doesn't look like a "typical" make model, right? What I mean is he's damn gorgeous, but he's an approachable gorgeous. He's the kind of guy you might see working behind the counter at the local coffee place and then get an indoor seat just so you can sit and gaze at him for a while.

That face is the focus of this shoot, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we want more of him shirtless, and some sexy nude pics would go down very well with us too.

I have a feeling we're going to be seeing more of this new male model though, there's definitely a lot there that we all love and he seems to have a totally hot body to go with that handsome face too.

Enjoy his pics, and let me know what you guys think of him in the comments too. Feel free to Tweet and share him on Facebook with all your buddies, they'll appreciate him too I'm sure :)

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9 years ago

hell he is every bit the guy who catches attention wherever, naked or not.

Fit Studs
9 years ago

Hey there, I don’t see my blog on your list anymore…
What’s going on?

9 years ago

Handsome guy, great body!

9 years ago

he’s got everything in these pics that show a ” Man’s man ” no words like pretty etc can be used to describe him..

Henry James
Henry James
9 years ago

Just gawjus!

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