What Does Brad Do With His Cum After Stroking It From That Big Uncut Dick?

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Okay guys, this one is a little strange. I don't know if you've been following the action on the Maskurbate site, but you might have noticed that they've started weaving in little themes and stories to their action. Personally, I'm not too sure about that, but I'm mainly there to see some hot uncut muscle men like Brad satisfying their dicks and I don't care too much about the story behind it.

In this case I have to comment on it though :)

Brad is gorgeous, he's built like a Greek God, and he has an amazing hooded dick that any one of us would gladly worship for him if we had the chance. None of this is to be debated.

It's also true that I have plenty of kinky little fetishes in my porn including straight guys getting it on, uncut cocks, great cum shots and more, but even I was a little concerned about the story for this one.

Pascal (the director slash producer) is supposedly having a housewarming party with some friends over, and he thinks it would be a great "prank" to have Brad wanking himself off into the wine glass of one of his friends. Yeah, Brad cums in a class to be given to one of the guests.

Even being the most horny and liberal of gay men I find that to be a little freaky lol

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Gary Wright
Gary Wright
9 years ago

Hot! I’d love to sip from that wine glass lol

9 years ago

He could have saved the time and shot it right into my mouth

9 years ago

I hope I Can suck his big cock…..?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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