Who Wants To Get Wet With Hairy Hunk Juan Henning?

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Happy Sunday boys and girls! I'm starting a little early today (far too early if you ask me, how do people function at this time of day?) because I have a family event to go to soon. Usually they're terrible, with aunties interrogating me and miniature humans broadcasting at 150 decibels for eight hours straight. But, I have a handsome date for this one, and I'm taking two bottles of wine... self medicating is sometimes a good thing :) Sorry, I went totally off track there, early morning nonsense! Check out Juan Henning. I know what you're thinking, he's a little new. His look is interesting. He's sexy and I want more! I'm totally with you on that. He's a South African hunk, one of the very few SA models we've seen over the years but one I definitely want more of after enjoying this sunny and wet shoot by photographer David Velez. Yes, we've had a couple of shoots from this photographer now and I think you can see why - he knows how to deliver the good with a gorgeous man like this. I love the fact that Juan Henning is so masculine, hairy, muscled and bearded, while being bald! Honestly, how many male models do you see with a bald head? Not many, in all honesty, and it makes a nice change. Personally, I think this man is gorgeous, and I would love the chance to appreciate a full naked shoot with him as the star attraction. Enjoy the pics, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and wish me well for today. Have a great Sunday wherever you are and whatever you're doing :) male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning male model Juan Henning

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6 years ago

Gorgeous. I love this look on guys. Juan has it down perfectly, even the sexy tan lines. Woof!!

6 years ago

I like the body. But as I dislike beards and body hair it’s a “no” for me.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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