We’re Gonna Need A Lot More Of Julian Aviel Jauvel
Happy Tuesday from a windswept UK! I've just spent half an hour rectifying pots in the garden after gale force winds came through overnight, in case you need any indication of how much I seem to have aged in the last year lol
I think I just need to get back to the gym, concerts and pubs again, then I might care less about how the geraniums are doing.
Ogling hot guys like Julian Aviel Jauvel is definitely helping in that regard.
And there we have another seamless transition to the post. I'm truly a master lol
We have never seen this ridiculously gorgeous man here at Gay Body Blog before, but now that I know he exists in the world I think he needs to go on my list of guys to find more of.
He's so handsome, and he has an amazing body. I admit that I was a little uncertain of the platinum hair at the start of this shoot by Eden Yerushalmy but by the end of it I was seriously wondering if I could pull off this this look.
Spoiler, I already know I couldn't possibly manage it.
He's lovely, and although I know nothing about him yet I want to find out more. Most of all I want to see if he's appeared in any nude shoots :)
Enjoy his pics, leave a comment (preferably not plant based) and hit the thumbs up button.
Most of all, have a lovely Tuesday!

These pics would be alot better without pants! I wonder if the carpet mstches the drapes? Lol