We’re Gonna Need A Lot More Of Big Handsome Hunk Mikhail Timoshin

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I honestly wasn't planning on having a Stas Vokman day today, I had something completely different lined up for another post after the cock shot with gorgeous new dude Lex Meteorit but when I went looking for some more information about that guy I discovered gorgeous hunk Mikhail Timoshin and I suddenly got the urge to post him here instead of the guy I planned. I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that you guys are probably okay with my decision, but leave a comment at the bottom anyway and let me know what you think of this handsome guy and his immense body. There's a lot to enjoy about this shoot. First of all, Mikhail Timoshin is the kind of handsome guy I could really go for. He's got gorgeous eyes, to go well with a gorgeous body, one that I can't stop staring at. He's proud of it, and rightly so. Can you imagine working out with him? Can you imagine seeing him in the showers after? lol I haven't seen a whole lot of him yet, but now that he appears to be working with Mr. Vokman there's a good chance we're going to see some gorgeous shoots with this handsome hunk revealing a little more than most models like him would. We're all gonna be for that bulge being exposed for the cameras, right guys? Leave a comment, let me know what you think of him! Now I think I need to go and spend some time at the gym, have a great Monday!

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6 years ago

Damn! Those tree trunk thighs!

6 years ago

Yes – the legs are overdeveloped and out of proportion making the whole body unbalanced and unattractive.

6 years ago

I suddenly require a beautiful hunk with rock hard muscles who when he smiles he looks so gentle and sweet. However neither of those attributes imterest me at the moment. If I’m reading his bulge correctly he needs to whip out that sizable meat and take me hard and long No mercy from that powerful body. Thanks

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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