We’re All About That Booty And Bulge With Sexy Eugenio Fernández

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It's been so long since we last had a shoot on the blog from legend Rick Day, and I'm really not sure why. He's always delivered some incredible men in glossy and stylish shoots, often more erotic than others in his league.

This new shoot featuring Eugenio Fernández might not be totally balls-out naked but I know for sure a lot of you guys are gonna appreciate the focus on that damn fine ass.

This gorgeous guy is from Venezuela, and he's so sexy I think I might be spending a little more time out there this afternoon looking for some more shoots with him. If he's willing to show off that sexy butt I wonder if he's appeared in some totally nude shoots in the past. The closest we get to that in this one is a shot of him enjoying the rain on the balcony, with his obviously big and throbbing cock straining in his wet underwear!

I love that shot, it might actually be one of the best photos I've seen this year.

If you know anything about Rick Day then you probably could have known he was responsible for these photos just from the pics of a messy apartment. That seems to be one of his themes and for some reason it just works.

He should come and see my place if he likes that, I'd gladly let him take some pics of a dude like this in it lol

Leave a comment and let me know what you guys think, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him too!

Most importantly, have a great Saturday!

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5 years ago

Oh, yeah, he’s sexy all right. I wish he’d have a different expression, though. He looks somewhere between annoyed and in pain. Love the “ugh, last night nearly killed me” vibe.

5 years ago

Is he trying to do smoulder? Not working, mate. You look constipated, mate. But you have a beautiful body and you look really well endowed.

md.shsh paran
md.shsh paran
5 years ago


5 years ago

and now for something completely different (copyright Monty Pithon) Bonnes fiesses â turto po l’anneye ki vint! (en wallon “kpitté”
dans le texte) Happy new year

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