We’d All Love To Splash Around With Handsome Hunk Models Santiago Garza And Eliad Cohen

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If you didn't know handsome hunk models Santiago Garza and Eliad Cohen were a couple, now you do!

Of course, that is an assumption, they could be acting for this sexy sunny shoot at the beach by photographer Javier Guerra.

I'm thinking they're probably not pretending, though.

It's hard to look this friendly with another male model unless you're actually very close.

And if they are a couple, they make a lovely pair.

They're similar in build and handsomeness, don't you think?

We've seen Eliad here on the blog quite a few times in the past but Santiago has never been here before.

I think that needs to change, so I'm gonna be spending some time later looking for more of this handsome and bearded stud.

In the meantime I can share a little info about him.

He's a Mexican musician, and he has a little bit of Eddie Vedder energy. I find that seriously hot.

He does look like he could front a rock band, and when you check out his socials that's even more apparent.

You can imagine him spending a lot of time at the beach.

He's a handsome daddy dude, with a great body. Even if you're not into bearded hunks he's definitely got that beach-living look about him, doesn't he?

Enjoy these pics of the pair getting playful and cuddly in the sun. I'm going to spend a few more minutes contemplating what it would be like to spend the day with these handsome hunk models.

I'm not much of a swimmer but I'd dive in with these guys.

My only complaint is there isn't more of them in just their swimming trunks.

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Most importantly, have a great Wednesday :)

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J.A. Fludd
2 years ago

Well, of course they’re a couple. You have to be a Santiago Garza to get an Eliad Cohen.

2 years ago

Just a lil more…

2 years ago

Love Story better with the musical theme “badabadaba, badabadaba ” from “un homme et une femme ” de Claude Lelouch

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