We’d All Love To Find Dmitry Osten Rubbing His Soccer Player Cock In The Locker Room!

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I don't watch sport, but I definitely have an appreciation for soccer player cock.

Actually, I guess it's not entirely true that I don't watch any sport. I love seeing the French national rugby team play, because most of them are male models!

Seriously, if you get the chance check them out.

There's something sexy about the uniforms too, right?

I can't be the only one here who likes seeing a hot lad like Dmitry Osten in soccer player kit.

Or out of his kit!

We like him even more because in this shoot from Jawked he's getting his meaty uncut dick out of his shorts and enjoying a good sneaky jack off session in the locker room.

Sure, we want to see his teammates catching him and joining in, but that might be too much of a distraction lol

We all know plenty of soccer player cock gets rubbed (and more) in such places, so it's always hot to see it depicted in porn.

Dmitry is one of my fave guys on the site, one of many.

I've seen all the videos he's been in and his football themed duo (which is what I think these solo pics were taken from) is one of the hottest.

He's one of those horny guys who just loves getting his dick out and having a good time. He's got that natural porn star energy.

You can totally imagine him actually playing football on a team with his buddies, and having a good time with their dicks, too lol

Check out his pics and click here to see this versatile guy topping and bottoming.

I'm waiting for his next visit to the studio. I don't think we'll have to wait long because all the fans love him as much as I do.


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2 years ago

O yes, give him to me!

1 year ago

No baaby, ball to one side and shorts All the way down

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