We’d All Love To Be At The Beach With Handsome Hunk Julz Tocker

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It's definitely time to start daydreaming about the summer, the glorious sun beating down, afternoons out at the beach...

Julz Tocker is helping me to picture all of this in a sexy new shoot by photographer Gus Dantas.

This is the first time we've seen this buff hunk here at Gay Body Blog, but if this is the kind of shoot he likes to appear in I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of him in the future.

You're not gonna complain about that, right? lol

It goes without saying that he looks damn fine in a snug pair of "budgie smugglers" :)

I don't know where he's from but I do know that he's multi-talented.

He's not just a gorgeous model, he's also an actor, a presenter, a director and all manner of other things in the entertainment business.

We're more focused on his modeling, of course, and I'm already hoping that there's a naked shoot with him out there somewhere.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button, share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy his wet bulges, too :)

I'm gonna go and imagine what it would be like to spend the day with him at the beach. And it would be a nude beach, of course.

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2 years ago

What a waste of water!

2 years ago

Sea , sex and sun (Serge Gainsbourg) but we can change lyrics

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