We Want More Of Naked And Hard Parkhher After This First Look!

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I would have shared Parkhher here on the blog even if he wasn't naked and hard in this first look at he gorgeous man.

He's so insanely handsome, and even though I'm not too sure about the ink I'm able to overlook that and admire the rest of him.

There's certainly a whole lot to admire about this guy's incredible physique in this shoot by photographer Ivan Ávila.

These pics arrived in my emails this morning and I did actually get out there to see what else I could find out.

There's not much.

He's not a male model as far as I can tell, even though I think we all agree he could be, and should be.

He's so good looking, and with a build like that I can totally imagine him in some swimwear shoots.

But then again, we might not get to see him naked and hard like this if he followed that path.

I couldn't find out anything about him, but I'm going to assume he's probably showing off on cam somewhere.

Looking the way he does, and having the confidence to show off like this, means he's probably doing this for work.

Enjoy him, admire that insanely hot body, and his lovely cock.

I'm adding him to my list of guys to keep tabs on in the future while you leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button :)

Have a great Friday. I'll see you back here tomorrow!

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2 years ago

I am in serious lust for this stud. WOOF!

2 years ago

This guy is just demanding to be blown – what a lean, muscled, hung stud! He needs to eat a bit more – 7 or 8 pounds of added muscle in the right places will only add to his erotic appeal.

2 years ago

trois beaux plans de roux; c’est déjà ça !

2 years ago

O wow. O wow. O WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Very cute guy very cute guy –rrrrr

19055_031 (1).jpg
Lea Hendricks
Lea Hendricks
8 months ago

I want that LONG cock badly.And all the way in me deep really deep.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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