We Want More Of Handsome Muscle Daddy Rui Catana In The Shower!

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I think you all knew there was going to be more of handsome muscle daddy Rui Catana here at Gay Body Blog, right?

We're still enjoying some hot pics from photographer Thyago Bargmann but this time he's getting just a little more sexy with it, and he's leaving us wanting more.

Oh, and you know I said in that first post that he reminded me of someone but I couldn't work out who it was? It was Hugh Jackman!

Am I crazy? Can you see it? There's something about that face, isn't there?

Maybe it's just the perfect beardy scruff, I don't know.

Whatever it is it only makes him hotter.

The gorgeous man looks even better in that last shoot, but the underwear pics definitely lead us into expecting something.

You can tell he has a lot to play with, and that shower shot is so discreet and carefully done it leaves a lot to the imagination, but we can still tell there's a lot there :)

We would all love to see more of him being a little more revealing and brazen about it. I think he's got the right attitude to do that and I would be surprised if there aren't shoots out there already where he's revealing all.

I might have to spend some time later looking for those pics! Wish me luck.

Enjoy him again, leave a comment, share the post, do all that tasty stuff.

See you back here tomorrow!

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2 years ago

It’s the two photos of him seated on chairs that do it for me. The perfect form of his spread thighs, alive with veins, are spread wide like an invitation. And in the next photo, the profile of the bare leg, including that side view of his solid butt – boner alert! And the detail of the dark rimmed glasses to suggest he’s intelligent and well-read – yes! I’m a retired professor, so I can respond to that old ploy easily. After class tutorial with me: clothing unnecessary.

Ivan Kirakov
Ivan Kirakov
1 year ago

… Very, Very Nice Man!…And More……

3 months ago

more and frontal nude please

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