We Need To See More Of Hung And Uncut Nuno Branco

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It's been more than three years since we last saw handsome and mean Nuno Branco on the Gay Body Blog, showing off his hung and uncut cock in some sexy photos. I was looking back through some of the hottest naked men we've seen over the years when I found that last post of the guy and of course I wanted to get out there and see what he's been doing since then. It seems he hasn't been doing a whole lot, but there are some great pics I hadn't seen before that I knew you would all appreciate. I have a special appreciation for this guy because he reminds me of a dude I know. Well, I don't know him well, he's a friend of a friend. I went out for drinks with them once and I watched the guy get wasted on Tequila within an hour and try to get into a fight with a doorman. But, I got to see his big uncut cock when he came up next to me at the urinals, so even though he was a total asshole he had a nice dick he didn't mind showing off. That's what we love so much about Nuno Branco, along with everything else. He looks like the bad guy from a British action movie, but everything else tells us he's a nice guy with a great big uncut cock and a willing mouth and ass. Yeah, he's into dudes. Check out some of the pics and enjoy seeing the guy sharing his cock with the world, and some of his very lucky buddies!

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6 years ago

OMG this just made my day!

3 years ago

It just never ceases to amaze me just how so powerfully attractive some men can be.

1 year ago

Hi wanna get together and get nude and play??

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