We Need To See More Of Gorgeous Male Model Julian Aviel Jauvel After This

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So, we saw the first post of pics featuring platinum blond hunk Julian Aviel Jauvel here on the blog yesterday but you probably knew there was going to be more of him.

I need to share the rest of his shoot by photographer Eden Yerushalmy before I get out there and see what else there is of this guy but I'm already hoping for plenty of shoots.

He really is an incredibly handsome man with a great body, and just the right amount of fur on his body too. And what a body it is! He's not too muscled, just enough to be a fit and sporty looking stud.

I guess it depends on the guy, but I can't imagine him being a real big muscle man, can you? I think he looks damn good the way he is right now.

And as someone else commented on the last post, it would be great to see him without those white slinky pants he's wearing. I guess the photographer was going for that contrast to suit the hair (this was a shoot specifically for the hair, apparently) so that's why it's the focus.

I really like him, I'm hoping there's a lot more to share.

Let me know what you think in the comments and have a great Wednesday :)

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3 years ago

I completely agree with you, Conran! Wow, picture 3, all these veins on his body! He is beautiful. Again, send this guy also to me, haha.

3 years ago

PS Maybe next time without his gympants?

3 years ago

WOW! Julian is a hottie. I hope that he is a bottom. LOL!

Jay Mateo Thibeault
Jay Mateo Thibeault
3 years ago

He certainly is a very handsome guy with a great body. The hair color is a distraction and is the first thing anyone will notice of him sadly. Maybe I’m just not with it.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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