We Need To See Eric Coy Naked

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I'm just gonna come out and say it for this post, we need to see Eric Coy without any clothes on, showing it all off.

The guy is such a damn tease in this shoot by Viktor Klimenko, showing off some bulge and a little butt crack through those undies too.

Am I the only one who also thinks this shoot might have taken place in a gay club? Maybe I'm a little out of touch here, but that lighting creams gay club to me, and it screams ANY gay club ANYWHERE in the world lol

It kind of reminds me why I abandoned the "scene" a long time ago; far too much of the same thing no matter where you went.

Sorry, back on topic!

He's a handsome guy, and while I don't usually do twinky types (I mean that in every way you're now imagining lol) I don't think he can really be called that, at least not from below the neck lol

I would certainly reconsider my position, and come up with some other positions, if I had the opportunity to meet this smooth and toned young man.

He does have a great body.

Is he a "twunk"? And should I just stop trying to use that word at all given that I'm so desperately out of touch? :)

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9 years ago

I really like the lighting but need to see him with no special effects.. Those legz.. His body is perfect if I could see it He’s got allot to lust over.. No worries Conran, I can’t remember the last time I was in anything Gay.. I just walked by the new Whitney Museum in my neighborhood now..I’m donating something so dealing with that/ it’s allot of paperwork & approvals from boards.. But so many things are empty or closed.. Kind of depressing… Back to Eric… I like that armpit hair.. I think we’re moving out of the total shaving maybe
Tony(NYC )

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