We Need More Of Sexy Hairy Hunk Nyle DiMarco

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Every now and then I see a male model who has something that all the others don't, but a lot of the time I can't quite put my finger on what that specific thing is. I think this shoot with model, actor and dancer Nyle DiMarco is another example of that. There are a lot of things I really love about him, but there's something that just sets him apart from the many thousands of other gorgeous studs out there getting in front of the cameras for some of the best photographers. I guess what I'm trying to say is that this guy is significantly underrated and we deserve more of him. He has gorgeous eyes, a perfect jaw line, just the right amount of fur on his chest and a great natural build too. He's not a "typical" male model in my opinion; he's one of those genuinely sexy and handsome guys you can't just manufacture with the help of a stylist and a personal trainer. There's something totally natural about him that so many others can't fake. I found out a little more about him after seeing these photos and discovered that he's a pretty famous actor too, and he won Dancing with the Stars in the US last year as only the second male contestant to win and the only deaf participant too. Not being much of a TV watcher these days, I think I missed out a little by not knowing about him. Well done Nyle DiMarco, you gorgeous, sexy, talented man! we-need-more-of-sexy-hairy-hunk-nyle-dimarco-after-this-1 we-need-more-of-sexy-hairy-hunk-nyle-dimarco-after-this-2 we-need-more-of-sexy-hairy-hunk-nyle-dimarco-after-this-3 we-need-more-of-sexy-hairy-hunk-nyle-dimarco-after-this-4 we-need-more-of-sexy-hairy-hunk-nyle-dimarco-after-this-5 we-need-more-of-sexy-hairy-hunk-nyle-dimarco-after-this-6

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8 years ago

great photos of a sexy man……and he was the 10th male to win Dancing with the Stars 😉

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