We Need More Of Handsome Jock Model Marcos Lozoya
I'm a little annoyed right now. I just had someone send me a photo of gorgeous male model Marcos Lozoya and when I went out there looking for more of the guy I could only find one shoot.
Rafa G. Catala is the photographer giving us this sexy American model in his underwear, looking totally hot and showing off his perfect bulges. But, we need a lot more of the guy. This just isn't good enough.
I'm guessing (hoping) he might just be brand new to the business and hasn't had the chance to appear for anyone else yet. In fact, that looks more likely as I've been looking at other recent blog posts with the guy and they all seem to be from this year.
I know I've said this before, too, but as a Brit I have a bit of a warped notion of what a "typical" American jock model looks like, and I have to say that this guy fits it perfectly. You have to admit you can look at this guy and (probably unfairly) assume that he's from a rural town, grew up playing baseball, was voted Prom king with his childhood sweetheart, joined a fraternity... you know what I mean, right?
It's probably not true at all, but that's how my mind works, or doesn't lol
Anyway, enjoy this handsome guy, leave a comment, let me know what you guys think of him, and let's collectively hope that we see a lot more of him in the months to come.

He is a fine specimen……haven’t seen him before, but I hope we see much more of him!