We Need More Of Aussie Model Declan J

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I'm recovering from a very busy night. I was planning to just go for a drink with a very hot guy (I don't mean to brag but damn he's fine!) but we ended up drinking one too many beers and headed to a club. I don't think I've danced that much since I was in my teens. I ache in places I didn't know I had.

We finished the night very well, though :)

Now, on to my offering for Saturday...

I don't know how but I've kind of fallen into an Aussie streak. I'm wondering if some algorithm somewhere is leading me to these Australian hotties. After seeing Irish hunk Ryan Dowling yesterday (he's living in Oz now) I was apparently led somehow to Declan J, and I'm not complaining.

This shoot by photographer David Broadway came out last year, and I believe it's one of the first this handsome Perth native has appeared in.

No doubt he's extremely good looking, and he's got a good body too. One of the best things about him is that he knows how to tease. That package isn't exactly subtle and I have to wonder if perhaps he was a little turned on being in front of the cameras in nothing but his underwear!

We would all love to see him out of them, right?

Let me know in the comments what you think. Hit that thumbs-up button too. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and take something for these muscle pains. No dance-floor antics for me for a while :)

Have a great Saturday!

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5 years ago

He’s beautiful. Shame about the tatts, but his imperfections seem to make him… perfect! Did I say that out loud?!

5 years ago

Great and gorgeous !
More of him, PLEASE !

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