We Love Everything About Gorgeous Russian Muscle Man Roman Medvedev

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I really need to thank Gay Body Blog reader Ethots for alerting me to the existence of handsome and hunky Russian male model Roman Medvedev.

This reader has sent a whole bunch of gorgeous men for me to share with you in the coming days and you can bet we're going to be enjoying all of them!

We're kicking things off with a sexy and teasing collection of photos of his gorgeous Russian muscle man, but if you want to see more of him and get some ass and dick then you need to come back here tomorrow for a second post :)

Clearly he's a gorgeous man with an incredible physique.

It certainly seems to me that Russian men seem to enjoy the gym more than a lot of other nationalities. I don't know what the data would look like or if anyone has done any vitally important research about this, but it definitely feels like going to the gym is a big Russian lifestyle choice.

We're not complaining, not when it results in enjoying studly men like Roman.

Enjoy him in his underwear, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, share the post. Most importantly have a lovely Thursday and don't forget to come back here tomorrow for some extra special pics of this man!

Seriously, you're going to want to see him in all his glory :)

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3 years ago

He has that, “What you lookin’ at?” expression. Why be a model if you don’t want to be photographed?

3 years ago

He’s sexy as hell. I love the look. He’s pretty perfect if you ask me.

3 years ago

Je me suis trompé : ce n ‘est pas qu’une belle paire de fesses , c’est un beau roman, c’est une belle histoire ( chanson de Michel Fugain) car en Russie , le chant et la musique sont omniprésents et lui Roma m’a via ses clichés m’a inspiré (je lui demande pardon de l’avoir réduit à une partie de son anatomie dans mo autre commentaire , obsédé que je suis par cette partie d’anatomie masculine)

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