We Have To Demand More Of Super Fit Jock Boy Emilio Reynolds

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I'll admit that I usually don't gravitate toward guys who know they're hot, but I think Emilio Reynolds is one such guy and I can't say I blame him. I definitely wouldn't be turning down the opportunity to share that uncut dick if I had the chance.

He's a fresh face over at BelAmi and he's sure to become a fan fave after this initial outing.

He's been one of their cam guys for a little while but apparently he's thinking about starring in some full-on hardcore fun for the site and I think I speak for everyone when I say that this MUST HAPPEN!

Emilio is utterly gorgeous, and his sweet face is perfectly complimented by that awesome jock body and a glorious uncut cock that he's clearly not in the least bit shy about showing off and enjoying.

The comments there mostly seem to agree; he's a hottie and we want to see him sharing that dick (and maybe his pert little jock butt?) with some of the other guys.

There's no shortage of seriously stunning young men there for him to explore things with. I haven't started writing a mental list of the guys I'd love to see him having some fun with but I'm minutes away from starting that lol

Enjoy him and click here for more pics, and for an upcoming video that we're all hoping drops extremely soon.

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2 years ago

box and jump , what a program!n ice boy as usually with BELAMI team

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