We Deserve More Of Dmitry Averyanov

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Gorgeous, sexy, muscled and delicious Dmitry Averyanov always gets a lot of love from you guys here, and that's not too surprising when you see him wearing very little in some of his shoots. We've seen him a few times on the Gay Body Blog, but this example of sexiness by photographer Lorenzo Gomez might be one of the best posts featuring him to date. We're still waiting for that completely naked shoot with the big and buff hunk, but something tells me that given the right opportunity with the right photographer we'll get it eventually. These photos are a little more natural and real than some of the previous images we've seen of the guy, and I really like that. Sure, the photos of him bathed in light and looking incredibly smooth and dreamy are nice, but these make him look a little more... real, I guess that's the right word to use. The best thing about this shoot is all the ass action we get. While we might be hoping for more nudity from the guy the chance to enjoy that big and meaty rump is not gonna be missed by most of you :) Enjoy him, leave a comment, share the post, hit that thumbs up button!

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8 years ago

His best yet!

8 years ago

i would love him to do full frontal nudity

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