We Definitely Need More Of Handsome Hunk Ricardo Lorenzo On The Blog
So we saw some more of gorgeous Ricardo Lorenzo on Monday here at Gay Body Blog but I knew there was more of him and I knew you'd appreciate another look at the sexy man.
I'm not entirely sure what else I can say about this handsome stud that I haven't already said, so I'm mostly going to repeat the fact that he looks awesome in snug underwear and I can't be the only one who wants to see him posing naked for a real stylish and creative photographer with an erotic theme.
He looks like the kind of man who would be down for that, doesn't he?
I mean, you have to have a certain level of confidence just to pose like this, but he's got that extra sexiness about him that tells me he would probably get naked for the right project.
These photos are by Adrián C. Martín, who is undeniably one of the most prolific photographers in the business today. It seems to me every second or third shoot that grabs my attention is the result of this lucky man finding a hot model to share in a sexy shoot and I never want him to stop delivering :)
Enjoy this handsome stud showing off in that sexy gear and leave a comment below before hitting the thumbs-up button. You could always share the post with your friends and followers, too!
Have a lovely Wednesday!

” Il en faut pneu pour être heureux, pneu pour être heureux …” mais quand on est très male et qu’on porte bien le minislip, ça aide !