We All Want To Wake Up With Israel Macedo

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Most mornings I wake up with my dog rolling over and kicking me, or the sound of him falling off the bed, or licking my face and demanding a walk. I would much prefer to wake up next to this handsome hottie. Check out Israel Macedo and drool at the prospect of slowly opening your sleepy eyes and seeing that handsome face coming into focus... I know, you're instantly thinking of dirty things you'd then be doing with him, right? He's a very handsome man, and one we haven't seen on the Gay Body Blog before. I say this a lot, but I always mean it - I'm going to be looking for more of this sexy man after seeing this shoot. It's by Cobalto, and it's so good I might have to go and see what else they've done in the last few months. I'm guessing it's a collective, or a marketing company, or something? I did a little searching but nothing seemed relevant. As always, I expect to see some comments from you guys at the bottom of the post. Check out the pics and let me know what you guys think of him, you do want to see more of him, I'm assuming :)

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8 years ago

Sorry, not all! As I dislike beards I wouldn’t want him in my bed!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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