We All Want To Explore Every Inch Of Trevor Signorino

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What is it about a gorgeous guy in some sexy white boxer shorts? Please tell me I'm not alone in loving that. I don't know where it comes from or what caused my appreciation for that, but seeing a guy in some perfectly white underwear like that does it for me. If they're a little bit baggy too then it's even hotter! The rest of these photos aren't bad either, I guess, but I would definitely appreciate more of Trevor Signorino in nothing but those shorts :) He's been on the blog a few times in the past and he's always had a lot of love and attention from you guys, so I guess this post is gonna get some attention too. This is your cue to leave a comment and tell me what you think of him. Is he a little "too perfect" though? One of my friends suggested that before and I laughed in his face lol I think he's gorgeous, these photos really show him off perfectly and I think I might have to go and see what else I can find with him. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, do you have a thing for guys in sexy white boxers? we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-1 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-2 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-3 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-4 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-5 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-6 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-7 we-all-want-to-explore-every-inch-of-trevor-signorino-8

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mae west
mae west
8 years ago

Shaved bald and photoshopped to look like a 9 year old with muscles. Eeeew.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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