We All Want More Of River Viiperi

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I know a lot of you probably think that the words twink and muscle don't really go together, but the only alternative is using the word Twunk (apparently) and I really don't like that word. So, I'm taking a stand here and I'm going to call young River Viiperi a muscle twink whether people like it or not lol

That's what I called him last time, after all, and I do think it's fitting.

I was alerted to the existence of this sexy young man by a friend of mine back in 2011, but this is the first time I've seen him since then. That shoot was sexy, but this one is a little more reserved. He's wearing more in this one (BOOO!) but he is looking a little hotter in my opinion.

There's only five pics of the Spanish hottie in this collection by photographer Taylor Edward, but I wasn't prepared to simply ignore him because of that.

This gorgeous young man deserves to be shared around and appreciated, even if I do think the slightly 80's style is a bit too much :)

Rest assured I will go looking for more of this handsome and buff young man if you demand it. In fact, even if you don't I'm going to carry on sharing him here when I have the chance.

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9 years ago

I’ve found the snake of Adam (and Eve perhaps)

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