We All Want More Of Handsome Tease Matteo Maganzani

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He's a lover, not a fighter, but these photos by Freddy Krave show handsome young hottie Matteo Maganzani in an interesting light nonetheless. This is the first time I've seen the gorgeous guy, but I think that might be because he's just arrived. I did a little searching and this was the only shoot I found so I guess he's just starting out. Can I say first of all that the fact he's willing to get his pants off already is a great sign that we might get a lot more from this guy worthy of seeing in the future? He's clearly confident about what he's got, and from what we can see here he has every reason to be :) He's a good looking guy, with a great body, and an amazing ass. We want more already, and we want it full-on and naked! lol I'm not too sure about the nipple piercing, but to be honesty I don't give a damn when the rest of a guy is as hot as this. He keeps himself well-groomed too, you'll notice. Rest assured I'll be paying attention and looking around for more of this guy in the future. I think we're going to be seeing a lot, he has that daring, wild, adventurous feel about him and I think that bodes well for getting some great photography with the guy. Male Model Matteo Maganzani Sexy Matteo Maganzani Matteo Maganzani in underwear Matteo Maganzani naked Handsome male model Matteo Maganzani Gorgeous male model Matteo Maganzani Naked Matteo Maganzani Jock nipple play Jock bare butt Matteo Maganzani Matteo Maganzani naked

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Jay Denton
Jay Denton
7 years ago


7 years ago

I would luv to suck on those nips !!

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