We All Want Be On Holiday With Pietro Boselli Right Now

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I don't know how true it is, but I've heard that these sexy photos of gorgeous muscle hunk Pietro Boselli are real pics of the guy just having fun on holiday. In other words, this is not him being paid to show off that incredible body for a brand, he's just out there enjoying the tropical surroundings of wherever the hell he is. We would all love to be there with him right now, too. Whoever it is taking these photos, we are all entirely jealous of them. I have a feeling it might be a "special friend", but whoever it is they have some real skills when it comes to photography. Could it be that Pietro Boselli has hooked up with an actual photographer he met through one of his previous shoots? Come to think of it, I've never heard it said that he's in a relationship with anyone... If he is, whoever they are is damn lucky and the envy of all sane gay men out there in the world. Imagine being this guy's lover - handsome, incredibly fit, intelligent, sweet, and from previous suggestive shoots, pretty well hung too! Damn, could this gorgeous guy be any more perfect? Pietro Boselli in a towel Pietro Boselli on holiday At the beach with Pietro Boselli Swimming with Pietro Boselli Handsome jock model Pietro Boselli Pietro Boselli smiling in the sun

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7 years ago

Love this guy…besides being the sexiest man alive, he’s a fantastically nice guy, as well as being intelligent. Pretty hard to find a combination like that!

Henry James
Henry James
7 years ago

A Greek god he is!!!

7 years ago

Conran are you ok?

Or ” have you fallen and can’t get up” that’s senior ad .. got a ” test” email today 3-25

Jay Denton
Jay Denton
7 years ago


1 year ago

Hi, ur cute — peel My banana?

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