Way Back When – Cody Cummings

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I think quite a few of you guys get a little horny on a Sunday, am I right? I don't know why it is, but after a heavy night out, and when I wake up with a little bit of a hangover, I'm quickly on the net and enjoying some hot men. I'm not sure what it is that does it (maybe it's something I'm drinking? lol) but even if I hook up with a guy and have a great time on a Saturday night, when I get up the next day I can spend the whole day just roaming about on the net and enjoying all that delicious muscle!

And I guess you've figured out by now that Cody Cummings is one of my favorite men to watch in action. I know I would love to see him doing more with the guys he's teamed up with, but just watching him solo is often enough to keep me entertained for a while.

So I was on the site again today, feeling horny after a good night out last night, and I ended up going all the way back right to the start and watching him going from a straight muscle hunk in some solos to what he gets up to now, and I thought you might like to see some of the tame shots from one of the first photo shoots he was in.

I know what you're thinking, even if Cody Cummings himself hasn't changed much, their photography skills and equipment certainly have lol

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday guys, I certainly am ;)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (1)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (2)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (3)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (4)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (5)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (6)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (7)

Way Back When - Cody Cummings (8)

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12 years ago

He certainly has matured in to a studly stud! 🙂

12 years ago

I have been following his videos a lot! These pics are really from long time ago! He has changed a lot when I compared to the ones now. But one thing did not hangs is how good he is in those videos. He can just turn me on any time.

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