So, You Want More Of Anatoly Goncharov?

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Yeah, I know that whenever I add a blog post with Anatoly Goncharov showing off his gorgeous body you guys are gonna comment on it. So, enjoy these pics and make sure you leave your thoughts at the bottom, I'm expecting some good ones! He's amazing, isn't he? In all honesty I could create a blog just for him and have a great time constantly writing about everything he does. He does a lot, as I'm sure you all know. It seems that every month there's a new shoot with this gorgeous guy out there, and we can all see why. We're still waiting for that totally naked shoot though! He's teased us plenty of times over the last few years, but it's not gonna be enough until we get the full nudes lol This shoot for Marcuse will tide us over for a little while, but I get the feeling that you're gonna get to the end of this post and still be wanting more of him. Pavel Lepikhin is the photographer responsible for these sexy images, and we all appreciate his efforts. If only he'd managed to convince the handsome stud out of his underwear for us. Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button, share the post around out there for all your followers to enjoy!

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7 years ago

what a perfect body to this guy! Post more of him any time.

Joseph-marie Moureau
Joseph-marie Moureau
7 years ago

of course!

6 years ago

Yes, I Want!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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