Waking Up With Ruben Baars

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I shared some truly sexy pics of Ruben Baars on the blog before and I was actually really shocked that no one commented on them. Am I missing something? The dude is hot as hell, handsome, with an awesome body and a great bulge too. So why the silence? lol

I thought I'd give him another go and see if these pics by Martijn Smouter of the guy in bed managed to make anything spring to life (I'm thinking they will probably do more than the last collection did, even though I think that one was hot too).

This is your chance to fantasize fellas, imagine what it might be like to wake up one morning and find this hulking stud laying there next to you, the heat from his muscled chest radiating into you, the throb of his morning wood beating against your thigh, the minty fresh aroma as he whispers "good morning, wanna fuck?" (come on, no man who looks this good could have anything but minty morning breath! lol)

Phew, that's certainly got me all hot and bothered!

I think I might have to spend some time searching the net for more of this guy after seeing these pics.

Waking Up With Ruben Baars (1)

Waking Up With Ruben Baars (2)

Waking Up With Ruben Baars (3)

Waking Up With Ruben Baars (4)

Waking Up With Ruben Baars (5)

Waking Up With Ruben Baars (6)

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12 years ago

Ok, ok, nice face, nice stubble, nice hairstyle, but does he shave his chest or what? Still, wouldn’t kick him out of bed, would you? I’d rather breathe in his sweaty armpit than get a faceful of minty ‘good morning’ though.

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