Vintage Posing With Handsome George O’Mara

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I know you guys enjoy the vintage shoots from the days of physique modeling just as much as I do, so I can guess that you're going to be giving this post some good up votes and comments.

While there's no stiff dicks to admire in the shoots with classic bodybuilder George O'Mara I think his handsomeness, muscular build and easygoing nature will still impress you all.

There's actually quite a lot I can tell you about him and some of it might be surprising. I can tell you that he was in the scene in the late 1950s and into the '60s, and posed mostly for "Kris Studio" in Chicago. He wasn't actually very prolific but he's become quite legendary.

He was discovered in Chicago in '59 by photographer Chuck Renslow who saw him and approached to ask if he would like to pose for photos. I know it sounds a little creepy now, but I guess things were different back then. Obviously he said yes. When interviewed Chuck says he was a very nice guy, very easygoing and open, but although he wanted to work with him a lot more he disappeared and allegedly joined the army.

But that isn't the end of the story. It seems that he returned to the modeling business in the '60s and appeared for COLT photographer Jim French, prior to the formation of the world-famous company. That's apparently when a very well-known image was taken by French as part of a larger group of photos.

O'Mara supposedly appears on the cover of the Smiths single, Hand in Glove. Although there's no formal record of it being him, the photo they used for that cover is identical to one in Jim French's records as being O'Mara. So, millions of people have looked at this guys ass and never knew it, and he likely never saw a cent from his image being used, either.

Finally, one of the other interesting things about O'Mara is that he allegedly never worked out. He wasn't just clean, he didn't lift or go to the gym. His body was supposedly entirely due to his work.

So, there you have it, perhaps one of the most interesting vintage physique models I've found so far. There are apparently plenty more photos of him that were never released, which actually pains me to think about. I hope one day we get to see those too, it would be a real shame if all that work was just left to fade away in an attic somewhere.

Let me know what you think in the comments. Did you enjoy reading all of this information about this handsome man? It makes me wonder just how interesting so many of the men from that era were, but we never know about it because their photos weren't used in the way his were.

Have a great Thursday!

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4 years ago

He’s looking good…

4 years ago

George has a handsome, non-steroid physique.
Thanks for sharing jis pix.

4 years ago

So Usain Bolt wasn’t the first one to strike that pose (last picture).

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