Utah Hunk Graysen Quinn Is A Firecracker!

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Happy Wednesday guys!

We're half way there already, not long now until it's Friday and we can all chill out and forget about work for a while, unless you work at the weekends in which case you have my sympathies.

This handsome hunk should make you feel a little better about things, he certainly made me feel things when I saw him for the first time this morning!

I guess he's new to the modeling business, but with a body like that and his handsome and cute good-looks to top it all off nicely I think we'll be seeing more of him soon.

He's not the shy type, which is always a bonus. He's flashed his sexy rump a few times in shoots, and I'm wondering if he might be open about nude shoots. I can totally imagine him posing for some classy naked shots by one of the photographers we've featured here in the past.

Can you imagine him in a gym-themed shoot for Rick Day?!

I really like him, and I think a few of you are gonna want more of the guy too. Let me know in the comments and hit that thumbs-up button, share this post around out there if you get the chance.

Have a wonderful Wednesday :)

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5 years ago

Beautiful smile, beautiful body.

5 years ago

Great-looking all the way around. Love the body (and the red hair). Handsome guy.

5 years ago

My heart pounding what a gorgeous man. Every man’s dream

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

Who says ‘ginger’ haired guys can’t be as sexy as hell hasn’t met this lad or my boyfriend Daniel ( i ‘ll keep him to myself)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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