Underwear Model Adam Cowie

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I love a serious and intense looking dude (especially if they're a little geeky), and almost all of the images I've seen of this British hunk show him looking intense and oh-so-serious! But although I love it, I have that urge of wanting to tickle him just to see him smile! lol

But, he's gorgeous, there's no doubt about that. And his handsome features are accompanied by a lean and muscled body perfect for modeling. From what I've seen of his portfolios he's very into the fashion side of things, although most of the images here are obviously underwear shoots. Sorry, but I just couldn't resists adding these ones instead of the black and white fashion shots. There aren't many of this guy as I don't thik he's been around for too long. It looks like he has a standard portfolio with a couple of agencies, but that his only real gig so far has been for this underwear brand.

The 6'2" hunk is at his best in these images below, not too ripped, but just toned enough to be a real man's man of a model. He's appearing as the sole male model for the Schultz underwear brand at the moment, and he's doing a cracking job of showing off their goodies too. Of course, we'd love to see him in a little less wouldn't we guys? Who knows, maybe we'll get that one day, but for now enjoy his delicious bulge in all that tight underwear.

Adam Cowie - Handsome Adam Cowie - Sexy Tanned Muscle Bod Adam Cowie - Red Hot Adam Cowie - Posing Adam Cowie - Hot Bulge

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