Underwear Man Bulge Action!

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So, one of my buddies sent me a couple of pics of some very temping underwear man bulge action this morning and it kind of triggered something in me.

You all know I have a bit of an obsession when it comes to underwear. I don't know why, but I love seeing guys in their undies, and I love collecting all kinds and styles of underwear, too.

I've managed to control it a little more in recent years. You can only collect so much before you find yourself considering buying a new dresser.

I definitely have a preference for baggy boxers that threaten some dick slips, and tight pouches that show off a man's goodies.

For this smattering of hotties we're focusing on the latter. There's some lovely defined helmet action going on in some of these images.

Now, I have to confess I don't know who any of these models are and I don't know the photographer, either.

I think it's the same guy taking all these snaps, and I'm pretty sure we've seen at least two of these models here in the past.

If you can name any of them please do in the comments. I would especially love to be reminded of who that handsome young man is in pic seven. I know we've seen him around these parts in the past.

All of these guys are hot in their own way. Tthey all look pretty damn sexy showing off that underwear man bulge.

I'm guessing you might have one or two faves yourself? Let me know below. Maybe I can find more of them and feature them in their own post.

Enjoy, admire, leave a comment and why not hit the thumbs-up button before you go.

I'll see you all back here tomorrow for more hotness!

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1 year ago

Nr. 1: YEAH and YUMMY !!!!!

1 year ago

j’apprécie la variété des sous vêtements, des modèles et du N B ,couleurs : un régal ce postage !

1 year ago

Handsome men.

Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Quero todos ♥⁠╣⁠[⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠]⁠╠⁠♥

1 year ago

I have an underwear obsession too, wearing a variety and seeing it on hot bodies.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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