Uncut muscle man Alejandro de laGuardia makes me weak in the knees

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Waaay back in 2011 we had some sexy photos of Alejandro de laGuardia showing off his amazing body and that impressive meaty muscle ass, but it wasn't enough. I was looking back through some posts today when I saw that one and decided to get out there and see what else I could find of this handsome and powerful man. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. I'm not entirely sure why his naked pics didn't make it to the Gay Body Blog before, but they're here now and we get to appreciate him in all his massive muscled glory. He has a great body, and a great cock too. You guys know I love seeing an uncut cock being enjoyed and he definitely has an impressive one that I wouldn't mind spending some time playing with. He reminds me of that thing guys say about big muscle guys having small cocks. Obviously, we know it's not true. I have a couple of friends who are really into bodybuilding and one of them has an 8 inch dick, he's been known to show it off when someone makes that claim about muscle guys. Anyway, enjoy the sight of Alejandro de laGuardia showing off that lovely uncut cock and his tight little bodybuilder ass too. Leave a comment and give him a thumbs up.

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4 years ago


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