Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo

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I know that a lot of you guys love the uncut cock as much as I do, and I think every time I've posted some pics of a guy with foreskin on the blog a lot of you have been inspired to comment. I'm hoping that this hardcore post of an uncut jock jerking off on the Randy Blue site might set you up for a great weekend when you've seen this hot young man.

The lad is a new addition to the site, and for his first solo wanking scene he's hanging out at the pool and relaxing in the sun. But you know what a horny lad like him is like (we've all been there) and when he feels his hooded dick starting to thicken up he has to haul it out and get stroking on that thing.

Vance Moore might be new to gay porn, but something tells me he's not so new to being appreciated. The guy goes to the gym five times a week, and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that a lot of the other guys there lust after him.

Although this is his first time stroking his uncut jock cock on the site, I'm thinking we're gonna see him back for a lot more in the coming weeks and months. But is he a top or a bottom?

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (1)

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (2)

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (3)

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (4)

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (5)

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (6)

Uncut Jock Vance Moore Solo (7)

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12 years ago

Uncut is normal in Europe, The american cuting is an acte of violence ageisto the boys personalities-

12 years ago

Finally an intact dick. I don’t get why people continue mutilating their children. Hot dude btw.

1 year ago

thats ture oscari uncut cock is normal every guy is born uncut i befar uncut can do alot with uncutcocks

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