Uncut Jock Hunk Serge Henir Naked And Gorgeous

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It's Friday already, and I'm so glad the weekend is almost here. It's not just because we can forget about work for a while and have some fun, it's now also a needed respite from the fucking lunacy of Trump. Did you see the press conference yesterday? If not, I actually envy you. Don't watch it if you're easily scared by the prospect of a mentally deranged ignoramus having control of the nuclear codes. Okay, let's change the subject and get something distracting in the post here to help us all take our minds off everything :) This is Serge Henir, a handsome and hunky jock dude we've seen on the blog before, but now we get to enjoy a little more of him in some totally naked photos. And not just that, we have some stills of him jerking his uncut cock too. I'm not sure where they come from, but I guess it means he has some wanking videos out there. I would not mind seeing those! He really should be posing nude more often than he has. He has a great body and a really nice ass, and of course that uncut cock is pretty perfect too. I don't think there are many guys out there checking out this post who would say no to playing with this guy :)

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David Rutledge
David Rutledge
8 years ago

Definitely need to find that jack off vid!

1 year ago

Hey, cute little bubbly but

Bill Cameron
Bill Cameron
7 months ago

I love this guy, largely because of his dick size.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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