Uncut Jock Brock Cooper

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So, I think it's becoming a little bit of a Sunday tradition to share some really sexy nudity with you guys and maybe help you get over the weekend. I was checking out the guys over on the Next Door Male site last night and I watched this gorgeous uncut jock jerking off on video and made the decision that I had to get some pics together for you guys.

I know you've liked the uncut jock guys appearing there before - and who doesn't like watching a guy enjoying himself in a solo video?

Californian dude Brock Cooper is making his very first move into the adult business with this solo, and I think this is the start of a great career for the guy. Not only is he handsome, but he has that natural athletic look about him, and that slight fur across the mounds of his chest is so sexy.

Of course, there are a couple of other things about this uncut jock that I love. The first is obviously that he's intact. But the second is that sexy smooth butt the dude has! Check it out, is that not the kind of ass that begs to be groped? lol

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12 years ago

Man I love your cock its so beautiful please send me a picture of you fully naked! 😉

12 years ago

Eww..why must he pulls it backward. Just leave that foreskin at a place where it should be.

12 years ago

This guy was born for porn!

edward stern
edward stern
12 years ago

MR. Brock Cooper making any guy dvd.

12 years ago

Love the dudes from NDM. Always hot and ready for action. Woof

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