Unconventional Hotness With Jarrod Scott

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It's been so long since we've seen the handsome and unconventional Jarrod Scott on the blog (check out the Jarrod Scott Nude post from just over a year ago!) but I really wanted to share these photos when I found them out there on the interwebz.

The handsome and ripped Australian does it for me, I have to say. I'm not sure what it is, but that handsome face and his floppy unkempt hair gets me more than a little turned on. I guess he kind of reminds me of that early 90's grunge look that still does it for me today. Show me a handsome guy in a Ramones T-shirt, a plaid shirt over it, messy hair, ripped jeans and some heavy biker boots and I'll be infatuated within seconds lol

The hottie is posing for Aline & Jacqueline Tappia in this shoot, showing off his lean and tight abs in some interesting, differently themed shots that I have yet to work out a theme for. I guess there's a mix of retro looks in this one, and maybe that's what had me thinking about what he would have been like as a Nirvana fan back in the day ;)

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