Unblemished Jock Muscle – Joshua Michael Brickman

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It seems to be pretty common here on the Gay Body Blog that I share some photos of a gorgeous jock model and someone comments on a tattoo they have, claiming it spoils everything. I love ink, but I do get it. And I have to agree that sometimes it's a turn off. So, while I was out on the net this morning and looking around I found the totally unblemished and handsome muscled jock Joshua Michael Brickman, and I knew he would be popular with a lot of the guys here - simply because it all going on, and there's not a tiny bit of ink in sight!

As you can tell from these shots by photographer Abel Cruz, it's all about the hunky muscle dude in the images, and there is no pretense of a story or setting. But then, with an amazing body like that, we wouldn't really care about the setting at all, would we? I mean, he could be photographed in a padded cell tearing the heads off stuffed animals and we wouldn't notice any of that if his shirt was off ;)

Yes, this is how my brain works! lol

I'm almost tempted to say that the best thing about this hunk is his abs, but as a fan of wide and curved shoulders on a muscle hunk, that's what gets my attention. You can just imagine how much power he has in that body... Yeah, think about that for a while and enjoy ;)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (1)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (2)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (3)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (4)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (5)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (6)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (7)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (8)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (9)

Unblemished Jock Muscle Joshua Michael Brickman (10)

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11 years ago

Hot looking man – love the bulge!

11 years ago

HE is AWESOME!! Handsome too! 🙂

11 years ago

Thank you, Conran. The 4th picture from the bottom is the cover shot for the second edition of the photo essay “Men” from the publisher of DNA, my favorite men’s magazine from Australia.
Unfortunately, the volume has but three more pictures of Joshua within its pages. And, yes, it seems the editors of this work, like you and most other bloggers, have no problem with ink because the rest of the pictures in the volume have plenty of it. But, being a sucker for the cover, I bought it, hoping otherwise.
Joshua, physically, is the man of my dreams. Muscle, but not overly so. And, yes, VERY clean. I am quick to criticize you when you do wrong, but you definitely did right with this post.
God bless you!

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
11 years ago

I’ve already seen finest underwears, but what a man!

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