Ugly Duckling Turned Hottie – Leonel

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If you've ever been to a school reunion of any kind you probably know that it's pretty common to find that the geeky guy you hardly ever noticed found a gym and changed his diet and become a serious hottie, and likewise that hot jock you lusted after might have discovered beer and donuts and abandoned his sporty past in favor of shouting at the TV until he's out of breath.

Leonel is one of the former. He apparently used to be quite overweight and very unfit, and although he was always supported and told he would become a very handsome man by his mother, he didn't believe her. It turned out that she was absolutely right.

This handsome guy discovered keeping fit and changed his diet, and now look at him. I don't want to share his old pics because they really don't do him justice and that's not who he is now, but these images show that someone can change their lives completely and become an entirely different person with a little dedication.

He's a hot guy, with a great body, and I have a feeling this is not going to be the last time we see him on the blog.

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10 years ago

What an amazing transformation! Impressive dedication on his part which only serves as an inspiration for all of us.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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